It means being thankful that one year ago my mom survived a brain tumor diagnosis.
It means having a grateful heart because I have a mother-in-law who loves me dearly.
Thank you to all those who mother, in all the many ways that is possible.
To the mothers and maternal-figures who focus their efforts and creativity to bring joy to others.
There is no way to fully convey the impact she has on society, on our world.
It is mighty.
The role of mother encompasses grace, strength, and the ability to face a total mess with the mental and physical resilience to start new each day. To manage one's own life and yet care for others with compassion and honesty. I love that nowadays mamas are being so open about the challenges they face.
When I think about taking on the role myself, I cannot help but be in awe. As a young wife the idea of motherhood has crossed my mind and come about in conversation plenty of times. My heart has met the idea with everything from total panic to pure embrace. If it is meant to be, I would love to someday have an impact on another's life as my mom has to mine.
Happy Mother's Day to my own mom, who has proven more than ever that she is warrior and survivor. And to the intimate tribe of women- some of whom are related to me and some who are not, some mothers to their own children and some childless, whose influence shapes me every single day.
And I have to admit right here and now that my mom is totally my personal stylist (cute outfits from day one guys!) and also, downright hilarious! See below for some fun moments and also a pic from my wedding (top right) and bridal shower (center) with my mom and mother-in-law. They both love Busboys and Poets and we always go!
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