Swann Street Style

Garden & Life in Washington, DC

Family Vibes: Brunch + Food Shopping in Bulk

Getting to know our new neighborhood has led us to venture out to different parts of the city. Prior to moving, we always pretty much stayed in and around Shaw. We had no car and it was easy to walk to variety of spots. Now we are eager to explore, explore, explore! And figure out our new routines, like where we want to get our fresh fruits and veggies every week.

Yes! Organic Market is nearby so we gave it a look. We went in for soy sauce and some veggies, left with a variety of grains, vegetables, and a homeopathic teething treatment to try for baby Miles. I expected the cost to be out of control but it was surprisingly reasonable for the things we purchased.  The prices were competitive or the same as the farmer's market, plus organic. Buying from the bulk section has been one step in the direction of decreasing our packaging footprint at home. Now that we are shopping like this often, I ordered a set of market bags specifically for bulk foods instead of using the plastic bags. 

Go for it, baby boy!

On my mom's last day visiting us, we had a fun brunch at Open City. This spot continues to be a favorite. Whatever you're in the mood for, they've got it covered. I had the croissant breakfast sandwich for the first time and loved every bite.

Time with Grandma was refreshing for all of us. We finally have space to host guests and she is a guest of honor! We made lots of new, vegetarian recipes (my mom is vegan/vegetarian) and had so many laughs. It was so nice to sneak away in the mornings for time together with my husband. Early morning outings are romantic to me. Everything is just beginning to stir and there is a calm vibe that I find brings about the best conversations.

Everywhere we go we are trying to get landscaping ideas and check out color options to help us decide on the color we want to paint the brick of our house. It is neither of these, but I think we finally got it!

wishing you joy on your journey,

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