Another draft I feel is fun to share before I get going on my new content. I adored this outfit. The dress was perfect for my belly and wearing it with my suede jacket was my favorite way to style it. I plan to sell some of my maternity items soon, so stay tuned.
Written September 2017!
I'm head over heels for this dress! Another winner from my Le Tote shipment! I can see myself wearing this during ANY season of the year. It will fit nicely during all stages of the belly and it is nursing friendly.
Everyone says that morning sickness (aka anytime of day or all day sickness) is over after the first trimester but that is simply not true for everyone, and certainly not for me. Every pregnancy is so unique! I chatted with a new mom who told me she never felt nauseous once but got the worst migraines. Crazy! I am taking things day by day. One of the biggest shifts has been accepting that I can no longer wake up early. I need so much sleep right now and I cannot run out the door.
I thought I was taking things slowly before but now it is tortoise mode. If I rush, it just makes me dizzy and sick. So, I make my tea, my oatmeal and take things as easy as I can in the morning- trying not to beat myself up for starting work at much later time than I ever would prefer.
Working has been okay most days. I have not had a single day I felt normal or totally well, so that can be hard to deal with when you work in teams or others rely on you for things. It has been lesson in tact, honesty, and straightforwardness that has helped me be direct with my feelings and needs. An important thing to learn!