How are you doing? Let's catch up. Between my last post and today I have been resting a TON. My body has just needed it really badly. When I get that tired I try to just let myself sleep however much I need, which means way less time on here. One thing I have recently cut out of my life is caffeine so it could have to do with that as well. If you follow on Instagram, you know my family was in town for a few days! It was really great to see them and take them around the city.
Moving onto this Sunday...the day began with coffees at Compass Coffee and then a walk to the Air and Space Museum to see a show in the Planetarium. And after that was lunch and dessert at the Folklife Festival. See it all below!
Even though it was SO hot out, I really wanted to wear this new kimono I got awhile back. My skin is ridiculously sensitive to the sun, so sometimes it actually works in my favor to cover up more. It is a very lightweight piece and I can't wait to wear it again and again!
Exhausted and sweaty but...HELLO from the Air and Space Museum. You can wear special glasses and view the sun using this special telescope! We have been thinking about getting a more advanced telescope and this visit to the museum made us want one even more. I have also been messing around with my DSLR to see what kind of night photography I can achieve with the lens I have right now. It would be amazing to capture some of the night sky when we go beach camping later this summer!
We saw "Dark Universe" in the planetarium and it was awesome! And it was narrated by Neil deGasse Tyson, which made it extra awesome (any other StarTalk junkies out there?) I highly recommend going to see one of the shows going on right now. It costs $9 for a ticket and the IMAX theater is also really fun to see a movie. I love getting tickets for after hours. It is just so cool to see the museum at night. You cannot walk around the entire thing but you see enough to enjoy seeing a few things with no one else around.
The theme of this year's Smithsonian Folklife Festival is "On the Move", featuring cultures that have immigrated and migrated throughout the United States. Typically, this festival highlights one country, so it was unique to see a blend of so many different and interesting cultures. Honestly, I had forgotten the festival was even going on and just happened to walk by and decide to get food here. I am so glad we stumbled up on it!
This panel focused on the Power of Girlhood! Yes! I loved that we were sitting near a grandmother who turned around to her granddaughter and grandson, lifted her arms to cheer, "YES! THE POWER OF GIRLHOOD!"
This was the kind of thing that encourages equality and respect towards women and girls. Letting female voices be heard, listening to their experiences. At one point the panel was asked, "When did you know you were no longer a little girl anymore?" I'm grateful to have heard each of their stories and experiences.
In and out of the political world, in and out of our own country, it is difficult to see the way women are spoken of and treated in much of media and culture. It would be so easy to let anger overcome it all. Seeing things like this reminded me that there are good, positive things happening for young girls. They are our future. And we cannot hold half the sky if our hands are bound and twisted in anger. Better to keep focused on hope and love, because those things prevail.
After this it was time to get back home and relax. I got a new planner and new pens (...please tell me you have a favorite kind of pen, too!) that I am starting to write in things to do for this week. I got it specifically to write and plan my blog posts, and my life. We'll see how it goes!
How was your weekend? What are you most looking forward to this week?
Link love: Folklife Festival, Free People kimono, StarTalk Radio, Albert Einstein Planetarium